Eight of Swords

The Fool journeys to the Eight of Swords and feels trapped and powerless to make changes. He feels like a victim, which disempowers him even more. His swords are all about him, imprisoning him as he listens to his fears. Disabled by his anxieties, he does nothing and becomes stagnant and static. All he needs is someone to come and help him, and he can be free from what is binding up his mind. 

Here, we can be left feeling confined and powerless. Success is there, but we feel disconnected from it as our minds become our own worst enemy. Often, where we are and why we feel as we do are issues of our own making.

Decisions are feared, and personal problems are exaggerated in the mind, turning thoughts into monsters and leaving us helpless to make any changes. We feel inadequate and lacking.

So, you’re stuck! Set in place, stuck in a rut, unable to leave your thoughts and fears, which become your jailors. You dearly wish for change, but it just will not come into sight, as you have a fear of change at the heart of your issues.

Are you blaming others, a situation, or a "thing" for why you’re caught up in a trap. Negative thoughts undermine your optimism and leave you feeling trapped as you tie your own mind in knots.

Reach out to another, as while you may not see a pathway, another will.


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Pam did a wonderful job with a complicated question. Her reading was incredibly accurate and specific to my issue. I’ve had many readings before, but Pam definitely has the gift. I will come back for more readings in the future.


Brilliant readings. Very warm and the guidance was spot in. Very helpful and reassuring.


Pam has been reading for me for a few years now and has been spot on with everything she has read for me so far! It’s not always the news I wanted to hear but it’s always what’s right for the path I’m on. She is so kind and empathetic too! Thank you Pam xx

Kelli Francis

Dear Pam, Thank you for your reading. It is true what you mentioned. Thank you have a wonderful evening and blessings


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