Three of Swords

The Fool now journeys to the Three of Swords and finds heartbreak, tears, upset, and disappointment on his travels. Words and actions have caused pain, yet they bring truth and liberation, wanted or not. He feels angry and lost, and he needs to vent these emotions in a healthy way in order to move on. He has suffered a loss and needs time to take each tear as it comes.

Here we find sadness. We can feel enraged, full of anger, down, miserable, or grieving the losses and pains we have encountered.

It’s ok to feel sad, to cry and rant, to rage and "feel", even if we would rather not. Heartbreak, heartache, and tears are brought to the forefront as a situation will cause emotional distress.

We don’t hold it in here; we let it out and give the frustrations time and space to be vented, as our disappointments need to be expressed. Life can feel unfair, just as it can be unfair, and we need time to sit with those feelings and work our way through them right now.

Life is not all gains; it comes with its fair share of losses, and you may be feeling the outcome of an old loss or a new one through disruptions and losses grave and small that hurt deeply.

Both what has happened, been said, done, or been forced on you will leave you hurt, as will the consequences that have been left for you to deal with.

If sadness arises, stay with it for a while.

In all lives, rain must fall; don't bottle it up. 


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Thank you Pam for your time and reassurance given with my reading xx I appreciate it very much xx Kind regards Natasha xxx


I’m mind blown by how spot on you are with this reading, literally ??. Sorry for taking long to respond back. Just by reading this it gave me a better understanding.


Pam thank you! This resonated with me. Thank you thank you thank you! Lots of love and light to you!


Very true and correct. Made me realise not to be fearful of change and will work on that. Great reading, I needed to hear that. Thank you Pam.


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