Ace of Wands

The Fool journeys to the Ace of Wands and finds himself in the passionate, fiery energy of the Wands. New ideas or opportunities present themselves, and he feels fueled by them. He has a chance to put new plans into action, as the universe gives him the green light to go ahead with what attracts him. His creativity and ambition are set ablaze, and he seizes the moment.

We find ideas alight in our minds—opportunities that capture our desires and create needs. Here is a gift of an idea or an opportunity that brings creative energy, ideas, and passion. Opportunities that can fire the mind and soul leave us excited about what may come.

If you wish to create something, bring something into being, or have an idea or a desire, then follow it, as it could be hard to ignore. The wand shows us that there is potential, and if we take the time, we can have something tangible, substantial, and successful.

Our creative minds will flow and bubble over as we can imagine everything, and that excites us even more. Filled with enthusiasm for something new, we can almost taste the chance for movement and change.

We feel energised by our ideas and new desires, and they take root in our minds. Here you may find that you have not yet acted on the idea you have, you may still be envisioning it and on the edge of reaching for it.

Any ideas you have with this card will bring pleasure, thrills, and drive. Our minds are set on fire!


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I am totally blown away by how great this book is! Before you even get into the content you will notice it's sheer size. This book is HUGE. The book is filled with beautiful coloured reproductions of each card with a comprehensive breakdown of each cards imagery and numerical associations. Then you have the in a nutshell portion if you want the quick fix.
Upright and reversed meanings of each card are also included. There are chapters on spreads, belief systems, psychic abilities, working with difficult or negative cards. Pam has shared her knowledge and love of tarot in a beautifully accessible
guide that is thorough and easy to understand without feeling like too much hard work.
It's an utter joy to have this book in my collection and is fast becoming my go to treasure.
As an addition while waiting for my print copy I was able to buy the eBook version.
Yes, I have 2! It's THAT good.

Jo Devonshire

I am a member of Pam's group on Facebook. I really enjoy the readings she does. They are very informative. Join the group, we are a friendly lot.


I think this is a very honest accurate reading Thank youPeter

Pam, thank you so much. You are really good.


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