King of Cups

The Fool masters his emotions as he journeys to the King of Cups, yet he may be better at dealing with others’ emotions than those within himself. His emotions run deep, but they are firmly under control, and he is not ruled by them nor by his imagination or fantasy. He is quiet, loving, and sees the good in others. He is often willing to help others find their own solutions. His heart is big, and he can now love wholeheartedly and with complete commitment.

We find here that emotions run deep, and even if the sea is turbulent, all is under control—or should be controlled.

We find here a need for calm, patience, humour, and composure, and to take the emotional reins, even if that is for another who cannot right now. Commit to what you feel and use that to heal, teach, or counsel, and remember yourself in those mature and emotionally wise actions.

A warm-hearted, contemplative, relaxed, and caring attitude is needed right now, with emotional intelligence at the helm. No judgments, no outbursts, no doubts—just peaceful, emotional stillness.

If you're on the verge of a commitment, take time to contemplate all that means. Allow loyalty to lead you forward; love deeply and with full awareness of what your commitment can create. 

You’re strong, so take responsibility for the emotional landscape around you, especially where there is any disconnect from yourself or from another affecting things right now, and help navigate the route needed to peace if it is needed.

Be the calm in the storm. Make a difference.


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My book arrived this week. Yes!
The Universal Waite Tarot deck shows Pamela Coleman Smith’s artwork recoloured by Mary Hanson Roberts. The line-art is clean with non-blurry lines and beautifully coloured, of course.

I am house-sitting for my son for two weeks so decided to also buy the ebook from Amazon Kindle. I’ll leave the hardcopy at home so it doesn’t weigh-down my suitcase. It’s a 427 page book, so very thick!
I’ve only read the introduction and The Fool so far. What I like so far, is the way the Fool’s meaning is described in detail, referring to colour, symbols, and zodiac and astrological associations. All important details for me to remember and learn. There is a lot to learn, to enjoy and to gradually remember. I say gradually, as it’s not about memorising but savouring the details. This is not a book with keywords, although there is a “In a nutshell” summation at the end of each long description for the card. The long description (often three pages in length) is followed by two shorter ones (less than one page long) for upright and reversed meanings. In these shorter sections, keywords are in bold-type. It’s far easier to remember them when they’re given in a story-like context rather than as a separate list to memorise.

I can see myself using this book as my primary resource for years!
This began as sharing a photo and ended up as a short review for those who have not yet bought Pam’s book.

My advice is to not hesitate.

Janet Danes

Pam is absolutely amazing. Today I received the most precise reading I’ve ever had. The way she described my situation was extremely accurate. Her approach was exactly what I needed, almost like she knew me and understood my communication style. Thank you for sharing your gift! Can’t wait for my next reading!


Pam gave me a reading via email as a clairvoyance guide.
Without knowing me and with limited background of my situ I felt that the reading was quite relevant. Some advice is in there for me to ponder and absorb. Very easy to be in touch with Pam many miles away from Perth AUS.

Angelina Naglazas

Understanding Tarot. I thought I could just start this review with ‘with over 400 pages this book didn’t just land on my doorstep, it landed with a thud, to then go on to round it all up in a nice quick paragraph. But no, I’m not even 50 pages in and Pam’s descriptions of each card is meticulous. To read it you feel yourself as part of the card and near enough to touch everything she describes, from the reasons of the colours of their clothing I love how that is so important and will make me look at tarot cards so differently , to everything else in the background, nothing is missed , actually more things are found in the cards I’d never seen before . I’m not going to flick through to the end to say it was all good! It’s full of history, numerology and heaps I haven’t even got to yet, Pam writes with passion and enthusiasm in a way that reads exciting so I’m going to enjoy every page. I know there is other information at the back for everything Tarot and I will read that at my leisure . I will finish with ‘in a nutshell’ it’s fab . Read it and enjoy x


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