
Welcome to my site. You have either found me by luck or design, but you are here for a reason. You may be here because you're looking for answers to a particular issue that you have within your life & feel that a psychic and/or therapist can help you at this stage of your life.

An Interview with Pam, and Judith at The Spirit of Tarot. 

I have practiced as a clairvoyant, channel & healer since 1987, conducting 1000's of readings during that time, & as a therapist. I'm an experienced counsellor & enjoy helping others via my psychic & therapeutic nature, so maybe I can help you?

Although I enjoyed psychic & spirit experiences from a very young age, my conscious psychic development started when I was 19, with Tarot, at that time, as my chosen tool.
I started to work professionally as a psychic in my 20’s, not using Tarot but as a direct clairvoyant in a clairvoyant counselling role, & it was at this time that I started to study hypnotherapy. I opened my own new age shop called Mystic Monkey in my hometown. During this time, I also started to work as a spiritual healer & started to help others with their own psychic development. The name Mystic Monkey was given to the shop as I was born in the year of the monkey, & the shop was also opened in the year of the monkey. Furthermore, the monkey mind is relevant in meditation terms, as is the mind, which is always active, searching, & the mystic, the search for the unknown. After the shop closed, I decided to focus on hypnoanalysis but kept the spiritual aspect by my side.

I am a fully trained therapist, trained in hypnotherapy & hypnoanalysis, & I am without a doubt a self-taught hypnotherapist, although I do hold a diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. I have received formal training from Bright Nature Training, Regression & Hypno-analysis as well as Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
2014 saw a break from work due to breast cancer & treatment. During this time, I have taken a step back from being a hypnotherapist & returned to my psychic & spiritual roots. So now, full circle, I am once again practicing as a psychic and clairvoyant therapist, with the added benefit of many new therapeutic skills. This new website is a replacement for my two old sites, Spiritual Travellers & Holistic Paths/Pam Richards Hypnotherapy. 

I currently live in Portugal, having left the UK, & I only work online due to this via email readings. You can find details of my book Understanding Tarot on this website as well. 

Qualifications: Professional & Personal Interest

  • Bright Nature Professional Accredited Hypnotherapy Diploma - Dip.Hyp
  • Advanced Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy Practice Certificate
  • Clinical Hypnotherapy - C.H.T
  • Regression & Hypno-Analysis Diploma
  • Person Centred Counselling Diploma - Dip.Couns
  • Psychotherapy Diploma - Dip.Psyth 
  • Bereavement Counselling Certificate
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming Diploma MASC (N.L.P)
  • Meditation Teacher Diploma BSY (Med.Teach)
  • Certified Intuitive Eating Coach
  • Diploma in Transgender Studies

    Testimonials - Clients Kind Words

For the first time of my life i recieved exactely the reading i NEEDED..not wanted. It was a shock and also the most beautiful thing that could happen to me. You opened my eyes and i am so so so thankful for this. Will ne back for sure. You are a true professionnal and connected Reader

Veronique Lapointe

This book has everything you need to know, written in an easy to understand way. It is my tarot Bible.

Joan Isenberg

Very true and correct. Made me realise not to be fearful of change and will work on that. Great reading, I needed to hear that. Thank you Pam.


I just recently purchased Understanding Tarot. I wish I had this book when I began learning Tarot a few years back. Simply fabulous. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is into Tarot. It is the best book I have found on learning and understanding Tarot. The description of the cards along with the details and summaries of what the cards represent are amazing!!

Susan Deutmeyer Marzen

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