Tarot Cards
Click on the tarot card images below for more information about the individual card. Read more about The Fool's Journey and more information on each card, clicking forward as you go along. On each card's dedicated page, you will see aspects of The Fool's Journey, followed by a look at the cards from an individual perspective. You will also find keyword flashcards to download for free as you go along, or you can also download here in PDF all at once.
What are Tarot?
The Tarot deck is made from two decks of cards, the Major Arcana & the Minor Arcana.
The Major Arcana has 22 cards, numbered 0 - 21. The Minor Arcana has 56 cards, with 14 cards in each of its four suits. Wands, Cups, Swords & Pentacles. Totaling 78 cards in total, which is a lot to grasp when you're a new as well as a long-term student!
Scroll down below the cards for more information.
See below the tarot card images for more information on the tarot ..
All cards are from Saskia Jansen's collection and are from one of the very few remaining first editions of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, The Rose and the Lillies. Please contact Saskia before taking and using any of these card images on this page: truelighthh@hotmail.com
The Major Arcana
The Minor Arcana
Suit of Wands
Suit of Cups
Suit of Swords
Suit of Pentacles
Tarot has had, in the past, & still a view held by some, a rather tacky Fortune Teller image. For most the mention of Tarot cards brings up an image of a woman sitting at a table, with coins around her head asking you to cross her palms with silver before she turns a card to tell you that you will meet a handsome or beautiful stranger or meet with some nasty fate.
Yet regardless of if you wish to title yourself a Psychic, Clairvoyant, Fortune teller, Tarot Reader, or Intuitive Tarot Reader etc., Tarot is a subconscious tool or means to access both the inner mind & connect to the higher mind of the user. As such, they make a wonderful tool for meditation.
Modern decks such as the ever-popular Rider Waite Smith, which my book Understanding Tarot is based on, were drawn with symbolism at its heart, symbolism which is recognised by the subconscious. Within the cards are archetypal images that speak to the mind, giving a key that allows each card to bring a message to the user which resonates on a personal level.
Within each deck lies the whole of human existence, a deck is much more than a collection of pretty cards. Tarot, like all things in life, has no power of its own, the magic lies within the user & their individual relationship, which is formed with their decks or decks (they can be a bit like boiled sweets, you cannot have just one .. )
As mentioned, Tarot are used for meditation and, therefore, are wonderful for Psychic development. For that, please see my book Understanding Tarot for details on how to use the Tarot for meditation & development. Yet, they are also used for divination, another word for fortune-telling, which means divining the future.
What is of more value is the Tarot’s ability, in the right hands, to be a tool to look into the present, to look at the whys, the what's & the what-if of where one finds oneself. If you can be honest with yourself, then Tarot can be the perfect key to understanding not just yourself, but others & your situations. They allow for a more mindful approach to situations & the seeking of solutions.
When Tarot are used within a ‘reading’ they are traditionally formed into ‘spreads’ or ‘layouts’. The most common is the Celtic Cross, a 10 card spread. When you use spreads, Tarot are used in a comparative manner, each card not only related to the position title but also to the other cards. Yet a Tarot spread can be of any design, with any amount of cards, with most readers making up their own.
Tarot helps with the delivery of Psychic insights or information via their link to the subconscious. They either prompt what is known by the user yet not realised, help to bridge the gap between the subconscious & the Spiritual Higher mind or even guides acting as a key to connection. After use, practice & dedication to the Tarot as a tool, they can become a wonderful way to enhance, develop & trust your own connection to the Spiritual.
Testimonials - Clients Kind Words
I just recently purchased Understanding Tarot. I wish I had this book when I began learning Tarot a few years back. Simply fabulous. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is into Tarot. It is the best book I have found on learning and understanding Tarot. The description of the cards along with the details and summaries of what the cards represent are amazing!!
Susan Deutmeyer Marzen
First, let me start off saying I first interacted with Pam via fb on her page Understanding Tarot, where I am slowly learning Tarot from her and Bob. She commented on my interpretation of a spread, which was fairly accurate, thanks in large part to the knowledge I had gathered from her page. Now, I paid for a reading from Pam and received it rather promptly not even 48 hours later. I chose to include tarot in my reading. She was very thorough in explaining the reading and what the cards represented in relation to my reading. The reading she gave resonated with me although it was not exactly what I was wanting to hear yet she gave me the truth in a very gentle way and also showed me how the cards gave me hope for achieving the answer I'm hoping for in the future which, to me, is definitely more helpful than simply telling one what they want to hear. I love learning from her and I think she may be my new reader!
Thanks Pam Thanks Pam, for your email, reading it was a roller-coaster of emotions, laughing crying, the whole pack. ?? Thanks again Pam always uplifting to have a reading from you:-) Happy weekend ?
Thank you for the great reading, Pam! Your guidance for both of the questions that I asked is indeed on-point and helped me gain clarity.