Five of Wands
The Fool journeys now to the Five of Wands, where everything appears to be going wrong for him as he encounters other people's perspectives and disagreements. This brings frustration, as everyone wants their say, and setbacks are guaranteed, albeit temporary ones. Everything can be resolved; it is just a matter of talking with others and not ignoring what is on their minds. This is a time for patience, healthy debate, or brainstorming.
Frustration, frustration, and a bit more frustration thrown in for good measure.
We encounter issues that can seem bigger than they are; they make us see hurdles and issues, which create tension, and we just cannot seem to catch a break with this card. Wands are generous, and with a few people adding to the melting pot, or even more than one idea in your mind battling for supremacy, you can get stuck in a gridlock of ideas, views, and opinions.
Annoyance can be the result, and it can leave us exasperated with too many voices to be content with. Everybody wants to be right, and it can test patience.
Wires get crossed in communication, and we find that we face trivial disagreements and obstacles, which will not feel that small, yet thankfully, just watch and they will disappear quickly.
Expect to disagree with others and even yourself, and cooperation will be limited. Thrashing out our issues will not do any harm, even if feelings do get hurt.
Those are not mountains, they are molehills!
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How the Five of Wands can leave us frustrated.
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I ordered a book (Understanding Tarot) online, but it was taking too long to get here. Ends up Amazon has it for Kindle as well and it’s on sale right now. I bought the kindle addition and oh, my goodness! If you don’t have this book, you’ll want to get it. Every card is described in great detail and so much information about tarot. I can’t wait to dive into the book! Thank you Pam Richards for sharing your knowledge with everyone. I won’t need anymore tarot books or manuals now.
Sharon Lamb
Excellent book
December 5, 2022
An Excellent well written and easy to understand book a wealth of information and must for anyone interested in tarot
Mark Galpin
Pam has given 2 readings now, one for my son & one for myself, if I said she was amazingly accurate it wouldn't be enough. It's the small things she told me that resonated most, things she really couldn't have known. Thank you Pam, 2024 doesn't seem so scary now.
Elizabeth Barbour
Dear Pam, Thank you for your reading. It is true what you mentioned. Thank you have a wonderful evening and blessings