Why the Five of Wands can leave us frustrated

Why the Five of Wands can leave us frustrated

Added on 19 March 2021

The Five of Wands can leave us frustrated. Being fire & a 5 brings a lot of enthusiasm for communication.

Yet, that enthusiasm only seems to be with the person expressing themselves, for the most part & in most situations. The nature of the card offers us many people who all feel the same about their own opinion.

This leads to a whole array of views being bandied about, with each person as enthusiastic about their beliefs as the next. Each one is certain that their view is the best or right one.

At times, this leaves everyone talking about a different part of the elephant as they touch it blindfolded, arguing about the same thing from a different perspective. At others, vastly different issues are brought to the table.

It offers a time when hurdles can get in the way due to opinions & views. It can slow things down, leaving us feeling that nothing is going right.

This card's energy is frequently transitory; it, like the expressed views, can quickly erupt into disagreements, but once that happens, solutions are often found.

While it is in full action, it can make us feel that compromises will never be reached, or that our views are not worthy of others' consideration. In that, we are told to listen to the others involved, as they too feel the same.

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