7 - The Chariot

The Fool journeys to The Chariot and finds stress. For the very first time, he may feel it all as a bit of a struggle to stay in control. Events may well be fast-moving and seem out of his control. But as the charioteer, he needs to stay focused to flow with the road he has chosen or finds himself on. A firm hand is needed to control the horses; they are opposing energies and would love to go their own way, which would cause a lot more stress than staying in control does. He will have a safe arrival with the right effort. Now is about movement, and his efforts will be needed to keep things on track.

We can find a whole load of stress and tension here in The Chariot; movement is felt, and we find that we need some endurance to stay in the driving seat! We must proceed despite difficulties or problems.

We can feel pulled in different directions, with all seeming to be relevant, yet neither is relevant right now as we just have to carry on! We meet these opposing forces, opposites, and differences, and they can be real issues and options or aspects of our own personality or ego, but we must stay true to the path we are on if we wish to stay in control and have an outcome that benefits us.

We must accept whatever changes The Chariot brings us; we can only succeed if we remain focused, no matter how difficult things become. Confidence is called for, as are a clear mind, maturity, and inner strength to help with the chaos that we can feel deep within us.

We need to stay in control of a situation even if we feel that we have little, as now is about how we steer things and keep hold of the reins. We may disagree with our situation, and even if it was not your fault, how you deal with it will determine the outcome. Stay focused on your goal. If you jump out of The Chariot, put on the breaks, or pull over, you may lose the situation. You are here for the duration of the ride, however long and tricky it may be.

"Keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times."


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First, let me start off saying I first interacted with Pam via fb on her page Understanding Tarot, where I am slowly learning Tarot from her and Bob. She commented on my interpretation of a spread, which was fairly accurate, thanks in large part to the knowledge I had gathered from her page. Now, I paid for a reading from Pam and received it rather promptly not even 48 hours later. I chose to include tarot in my reading. She was very thorough in explaining the reading and what the cards represented in relation to my reading. The reading she gave resonated with me although it was not exactly what I was wanting to hear yet she gave me the truth in a very gentle way and also showed me how the cards gave me hope for achieving the answer I'm hoping for in the future which, to me, is definitely more helpful than simply telling one what they want to hear. I love learning from her and I think she may be my new reader!


I received my copy (of Understanding Tarot) this week and already this is my favourite Tarot reference book. Such detailed descriptions of all the cards both upright and reversed but can also be dipped into easily for a quick check to see if you’re on the right path. This is a wonderful book….massive congratulations Pam Richards

Charlotte Gray

Had a very accurate and helpful reading with Pam yet again. She is a wonder.

Kim Coppola

Very helpful guidance. An overview but it was just right.


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