Ten of Pentacles

The Fool journeys to the Ten of Pentacles and realised that everything comes together in the end if you focus with care and consideration for the future, and The Fool sits to enjoy all he has gained. His life is on the rise; he is financially and emotionally secure, and he is surrounded by those who adore him. Security is not just talked about but felt. He feels part of something larger than just himself. The long term is looked at, and he understands that with care, things will last and grow even more. Finally, he feels totally blessed.

We can feel that we have arrived,and how lucky and happy we are with what we have. We have security, which can be symbolised by material wealth and the absence of financial concerns, as well as a happy, loving family. Our success is long-term and can be generational—what you have come from or what you will leave for the coming generation—so here we can find that we enjoy home, family, and the safety that such things give to us on more than one level. How you view your riches and what your legacy will be. How does your life affect others? 

You can even find extended family on your mind as an issue or a point of consideration for you, as opposed to those under your roof. Family responsibilities may be called upon or required.

We find a time when all is well and everyone is in agreement, especially at home and with family. Life will feel settled.

If you are nearing the completion of a creative or financial project or are thinking about or acting on investments, then you are doing very well. You are making the right moves, and what you are doing will bring rewards for you and for those you love.

If a house move, property purchase, or other "big" event occurs, everything is fine!

Enjoy what you have, whether it has come from those before you or is yours to pass forward. Respect and enjoy all you have.


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Pam has something very, very special indeed.

What makes her different is that she doesn’t just read the energies, the situation and people, but she places ‘who you are’ firmly at the centre. As such, you see the picture more holistically and, just as importantly, you understand how it is affecting/could affect your whole being. In my case this was a bit uncomfortable, but it literally cut through to the nub of things, and how it would be best for me (and me alone) to respond, rather than someone else in the same situation.

I also felt a genuine sense of loving kindness coming from Pam. Her guidance was always focused around what’s best for me.

I will be back, Pam, and I can’t thank you enough for the multi-faceted illumination on things. X


I gave Pam a barebones bag of ragtag information but my questions were clear. She came back with four cards that crystallized my situation perfectly. I now have the emotion I need to get this painful nightmare finished. Her advice was brutally kind and succinct. Exactly what I need and want. Thank you Pam! I will be back. May you have light in your world. I feel PEACE.


Thank you x I just wanted to give you feedback as you were so spot on. Many thanks Pam - as always, you are such a gem xx


Pam you are definitely a gifted reader, thanks for your help. Pam's reading for me was very accurate. She provided me with knowledge and guidance to help me make an important decision.


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