Two of Pentacles
The Fool journeys to the Two of Pentacles and learns how to juggle! He knows that he needs to stay flexible as life has its ups and downs. He is busy, multitasking, and going with the flow. He is calm, fully engrossed in his juggling. He may feel he is missing out, but he understands that he cannot drop the coins because he needs to progress in order to achieve.
We need to keep things flowing by keeping the coins or balls in the air! and this can come with a whole lot of satisfaction, calmness, and relaxation as we get on with our routine. We can be content knowing that we are doing our best to maintain the momentum in our lives.
Flexibility is needed; now is not the time to be stubborn, inflexible, or refuse to do what is needed. Here we need to be adaptable, with a willingness to maintain the status quo as life needs to be managed. This can make us feel like life is passing us by, that others are doing better, having more fun, etc., but stay focused and try not to let such thoughts distract you.
You may find that it is not just financial changes that are an issue or a challenge, but anything in your life that presents opposing forces that challenges your life’s balance, such as work and play. Be prepared to take the reins with a sense of humour and quick thinking.
If you’re faced with a decision, weigh up the alternatives to get the best from the situation.
Brush up on your juggling skills! Don't drop the ball.
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Testimonials - Clients Kind Words
Pam just had the flowiest words. Every paragraph of the reading was very understandable and I can say very accurate.
Thank You Pam!
My book arrived this week. Yes!
The Universal Waite Tarot deck shows Pamela Coleman Smith’s artwork recoloured by Mary Hanson Roberts. The line-art is clean with non-blurry lines and beautifully coloured, of course.
I am house-sitting for my son for two weeks so decided to also buy the ebook from Amazon Kindle. I’ll leave the hardcopy at home so it doesn’t weigh-down my suitcase. It’s a 427 page book, so very thick!
I’ve only read the introduction and The Fool so far. What I like so far, is the way the Fool’s meaning is described in detail, referring to colour, symbols, and zodiac and astrological associations. All important details for me to remember and learn. There is a lot to learn, to enjoy and to gradually remember. I say gradually, as it’s not about memorising but savouring the details. This is not a book with keywords, although there is a “In a nutshell” summation at the end of each long description for the card. The long description (often three pages in length) is followed by two shorter ones (less than one page long) for upright and reversed meanings. In these shorter sections, keywords are in bold-type. It’s far easier to remember them when they’re given in a story-like context rather than as a separate list to memorise.
I can see myself using this book as my primary resource for years!
This began as sharing a photo and ended up as a short review for those who have not yet bought Pam’s book.
My advice is to not hesitate.
Janet Danes
Very accurate and gave clarity to my situation.
Biljana Tešic
Reading Oh Pam thank you so very very much for this reading . You have put my mind as ease and glad am not losing it . I will go over it again as you advised but thus has lifted a weight of my shoulder once again thank you Love and light xxx