9 - The Hermit

The Fool journeys to The Hermit as he progresses through his journey, and The Fool realises that it’s ok to be alone. He seeks his own company and solitude to recharge and find solutions, as well as to find acceptance and heal. Contemplation is required, and now is the time for him to rely on himself. He may feel alone for a while, but here he finds that he needs to be true to himself while he looks within for the wisdom he needs to find.

We can feel alone, filled with a deep searching need for understanding, discretion, and compassion for an issue or even life as a whole, and find that answers need to come from some time in contemplation.

We can retreat to our own caves, those inner spaces where we can find peace and stillness while we figure out what is going on or what needs to be done. Some mindful or even meditative time is needed, or even forced, to allow you to go inward and find personal truths.

We are not stuck when we find ourselves here; we are simply searching. We sit within, waiting for a light to shine on the truths we seek. Progress may be slow, but mentally, we are seeking solutions and resolving inner conflicts.

Deep down, here we can seek to see our own potential, looking deep within for personal help, advice, growth, and insights into our true selves or the situations that life may have made us feel flung into or lost within.

Reality surrounds us, and that can be harsh. We can mourn what has been taken from us, and we can feel every inch of any pain we find ourselves contemplating. We could be in this situation by choice, with a need to recharge and understand, or by force, where we need to find our feet.

The Hermit offers us no quick solutions; do not fight where you are or try to rush through it.


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Dear Pam I have always enjoyed and found guidance and wisdom in your readings. Thank you!


Thank you x I just wanted to give you feedback as you were so spot on. Many thanks Pam - as always, you are such a gem xx


I am totally blown away by how great this book is! Before you even get into the content you will notice it's sheer size. This book is HUGE. The book is filled with beautiful coloured reproductions of each card with a comprehensive breakdown of each cards imagery and numerical associations. Then you have the in a nutshell portion if you want the quick fix.
Upright and reversed meanings of each card are also included. There are chapters on spreads, belief systems, psychic abilities, working with difficult or negative cards. Pam has shared her knowledge and love of tarot in a beautifully accessible
guide that is thorough and easy to understand without feeling like too much hard work.
It's an utter joy to have this book in my collection and is fast becoming my go to treasure.
As an addition while waiting for my print copy I was able to buy the eBook version.
Yes, I have 2! It's THAT good.

Jo Devonshire

Pam has something very, very special indeed.

What makes her different is that she doesn’t just read the energies, the situation and people, but she places ‘who you are’ firmly at the centre. As such, you see the picture more holistically and, just as importantly, you understand how it is affecting/could affect your whole being. In my case this was a bit uncomfortable, but it literally cut through to the nub of things, and how it would be best for me (and me alone) to respond, rather than someone else in the same situation.

I also felt a genuine sense of loving kindness coming from Pam. Her guidance was always focused around what’s best for me.

I will be back, Pam, and I can’t thank you enough for the multi-faceted illumination on things. X


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