Eight of Wands

The Fool journeys to the Eight of Wands and finds things going at high speed! Fast movements, solutions, and communications fly at The Fool. Events in his life speed up as they come to a quick conclusion. Delays will end and things may get busy, so he needs to stay focused and get ready to grab new opportunities if they fly by. Communication is the key to progress, and it often arrives with a flurry of excitement.

News, updates, information, calls, letter, messages, texts, carrier pigeons! Expect communication to be at the forefront right now!

Wands love movement, and they love to talk, and here that energy is flying in hot. You can find that news gives you what you need, or even a fast turnabout in a situation, or movement that pushes situations forward for you. Our lives can be sped up with excitement and rush.

Now is a time for doing. You may not have much time to think, but you will feel energised, and want to take advantage of what this card brings to your door.

If our lives have been stuck, static, and getting a tad stagnant, then those feelings will come to an end as delays come to an end and situations are on the move. If you’re waiting on conclusions to events and situations, they may well arrive sooner rather than later.

Enjoy the excitement and act on your desires, even if you are the one sending the communications. 


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Email Reading Pam, thank you for one of the best readings. I felt lost and after this reading I felt better. I’ve been looking for awhile for someone like you how knows what they are talking about. My search is over.Until my next reading ??.


I highly recommend Pam for her intuitive readings. She has wonderful insight and has been correct in the past regarding situations I have brought to her for guidance. She gives very detailed explanations of what she she sees in the cards. I appreciate you sharing your energy with me and will be back for advice again.


Pam thank you! This resonated with me. Thank you thank you thank you! Lots of love and light to you!


My book arrived this week. Yes!
The Universal Waite Tarot deck shows Pamela Coleman Smith’s artwork recoloured by Mary Hanson Roberts. The line-art is clean with non-blurry lines and beautifully coloured, of course.

I am house-sitting for my son for two weeks so decided to also buy the ebook from Amazon Kindle. I’ll leave the hardcopy at home so it doesn’t weigh-down my suitcase. It’s a 427 page book, so very thick!
I’ve only read the introduction and The Fool so far. What I like so far, is the way the Fool’s meaning is described in detail, referring to colour, symbols, and zodiac and astrological associations. All important details for me to remember and learn. There is a lot to learn, to enjoy and to gradually remember. I say gradually, as it’s not about memorising but savouring the details. This is not a book with keywords, although there is a “In a nutshell” summation at the end of each long description for the card. The long description (often three pages in length) is followed by two shorter ones (less than one page long) for upright and reversed meanings. In these shorter sections, keywords are in bold-type. It’s far easier to remember them when they’re given in a story-like context rather than as a separate list to memorise.

I can see myself using this book as my primary resource for years!
This began as sharing a photo and ended up as a short review for those who have not yet bought Pam’s book.

My advice is to not hesitate.

Janet Danes

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