Nine of Cups

The Fool travels to the Nine of Cups and find that wishes can come true. He finds himself fulfilled, happy & pleased with himself. His wished have been granted, and he feels blessed & as proud as punch. Everything is going his way as he has what he desires. He finds that his goals have been achieved and any missing ingredients from the Eight are now at hand. His emotions feel heightened, and he feels a deep sense of happiness deep within his soul.

Have you made a wish? or has one been granted? as, however big, or small, something will go your way. There is a feel-good factor as those things we want fall into our laps.

Now is a time to feel happiness and fulfillment. Those things which you have really wanted, imagined, and dreamed of coming your way will be realised as dreams are realised and luck is on your side; if this is not the case, now is the time to dare, as fortune is shining on you, and you stand a good chance of getting what you want.

Feel proud of what you have achieved and of your accomplishments. Wallow like a pig in mud at the emotional satisfaction of what you have gained.

Here is a time for confidence and a boost to our ego as success is assured. Here is a time to feel at peace and excited, as now you can enjoy something you may have longed for.

Feel satisfied with what you have found; relax and enjoy this time and the pleasures that it brings your way.

Dreams can come true.


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Thank you for my reading, Pam.

It was full of insightful and wise guidance. I appreciate the detail that you gave, and I learned more about spirit from your knowledge.

It was very helpful for me going forwards.

Ali Tyler

Pam gave me a few readings and she was very accurate, she helped me see my situation more clearly. Pam gave me a few readings and she was very accurate, she helped me see my situation more clearly.She also has a very warm heart, and makes you feel comfortable, she's not only doing her job here, but you feel like she's your best friend who listens to your problems and giving you good advice. Thank you, Pam!

Di Tu

I purchased this book (Understanding Tarot) on my kindle and so glad I did.It has been so helpful goes into depth about each card and there meanings. I would highly recommend.

Jacqueline Hannaway

Pam once again has given me an amazing thorough reading filled with wisdom and compassion. Her readings are always incredibly accurate. I highly recommend Pam!


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