Seven of Swords

The Fool journeys to the Seven of Swords and realises that it’s time to change tactics. He knows he needs to diffuse others or situations by being diplomatic, biting his tongue, and not rising to any bait. He needs to stay aware of all that is going on around him; he is in the enemy camp, and he should stay focused on keeping things calm. It is time for the intellectual part of The Fool to act, not the emotional, and to stay alert to the actions and words of others.

Here we find a battle of wits, the balancing of odds in favour of yourself or another as you defuse someone, a situation, or are the person being disarmed.

Intellect rules here, and diplomacy and analysis events, words to be said, actions to be taken, as well as those already in play and made to gain ground or even keep a peace.

Odds need to be evened; a truce needs to be aimed for so that real, constructive communication can take place, even if it results in silence instead. Now is the time to defuse any potential danger, embarrassment, awkwardness, or stress with a bit of forward planning.

If you or another person is quiet and calm, then actions can go unnoticed, and if tension suddenly fades from a situation, all is well. Aim for peace. 

Stay alert, wake up, and be aware of all that is happening within a situation. If you have a brilliant idea or things that you wish to keep close, stay quiet and keep them safe in case someone swoops in and takes them as their own.

Change tactics. Brains, not brawn. Bite your tongue.


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Reading Breath of much needed air, a real tonic, with practical advice that is so on point it will help no end, most look for clear direction and this reading has certainly mapped a path to good fortune, gratitude, and self belief. It’s my 2nd reading in a period of equal years and so accurate. Highly recommend this wonderful warm energy, a true delight.

Jane Williams

Pam is my go to clairvoyant because her genuinity is 100%. Whether it's an outcome that iv hoped for or not, she is and has been spot on every single time. She also gives you Time to ask questions and helps you to understand your reading if parts are confusing. She has never handed over a reading and been done with you. She's the best there is. Thank you Pam in all you do, you've really she'd light and bought clarity to my situation x

Leah Clee

Thank you so much for everything! You are wonderful!


I want to thank you Pam Richards for the detailed reading that you made for us! Being on a crossroad, now taking a decision doesn't seem so hard as before.


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