Two of Wands
The Fool journeys to the Two of Wands. With his first wand safe and secure, he is restless for more movement and growth, so The Fool looks to the future, wanting to expand and push out into new areas. Potential needs to be expressed by action to see how far it can be taken, and he impatiently feels that the horizon ahead should be stepped into to see how far he can expand his goals, as he feels that the world is in his hands and for the taking.
Here, we know what we have already achieved, yet we want more; what we have is not enough or needs adding to, and we find ourselves restless and still fuelled by ambition. Seeing opportunities and openings to gain, grow, and improve.
We find that restlessness niggles at us; we need action and are seriously considering how to move forward. Pros and cons draw a list in our minds; we have control over what we have, but the next step compels us to seek improvement.
Thinking and planning are one thing, but wands need movement and active changes, and this can make us impatient while our minds balance out our needs and desires.
When we wonder about others in our lives and if more can be built, then yes, potential is available. We can build here and develop more for our futures.
Grow and improve your lot to keep it safe and well, or start afresh now that you know what you want—either way, a decision is brewing.
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I returned to Pam for a reading this week after an amazingly accurate reading from her last year. She’s given me the insight that I simply couldn’t see on my own.I feel much calmer and much more grounded about this issue now.Pam thank you for your compassion and clarity and for sharing your gift!
Dear Pam I have always enjoyed and found guidance and wisdom in your readings. Thank you!
Thank you very much Pam for your awesome very thorough reading !!
Pam has been so helpful to me. She gives me grounded perspective on things when I get lost in too much emotion, and this alone has helped the situation I asked her about more than anything else. Thank you, Pam!
Tara T