Five of Swords

The Fool journeys to the Five of Swords, and resentment, disagreement, and a war of words will leave him feeling a bit hollow. Battles need to be picked wisely, as he finds that no one is listening to each other in his current one, and each word or action has consequences. Our Fool has realised that he does not know everything, that his opinion is not the only one, and that those who also believe that are also mistaken. He finds that arguments can get out of control, as words, best left unsaid, can cause situations to fail.

Are you the one imposing your views or having them squashed by another?

Here we find opinions and pride charging in like a bull in a china shop, and while someone, you or another, may feel that they have said their piece and done what they set out to do, the victory will be hollow as it will bring loss or tensions that will not be easy to fix. So here we find that we are plagued by a whole lot of disappointment.

This card shows us that we are exhausted, that views and beliefs are forced, and that someone thinks they know what is best and will not listen. If you feel that you must give your views, stand back and keep them to yourself, and if it is happening to you, walk away. Nothing will be gained.

We are surrounded by limitations; nothing of value can be achieved right now due to differences of opinion, and if you seek a compromise, it will not be found.

Power struggles and stubborn pride are going to cause more problems; all we can do is fail here.

Here is a lose-lose situation.


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MANY THANKS TO YOU I felt very confused & fearful of the future. I'm on my own, it seemed all areas of my life were in turmoil. I've had three readings from you which covered all aspects and they helped show me clarity & light at the end of the tunnel, it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. Thank you so much x


Thanks Pam Thanks Pam, for your email, reading it was a roller-coaster of emotions, laughing crying, the whole pack. ?? Thanks again Pam always uplifting to have a reading from you:-) Happy weekend ?


Pam‘s reading was extraordinary and has offered much guidance moving forward. I have been following the “push” Spirit for a couple years now, just trusting where it leads. There are so many elements at this point I thought I would get some guidance. What I loved most about the reading, was that Pam used my terminology. I wasn’t even sure how to phrase my question so I framed it with the metaphor of baking a cake. It was so helpful for her to provide the reading from that same perspective. Intuitively, she used many words common to my vocabulary, which really lit me up with excitement. Both her intuitive reading and the tarot layout were very accurate and validating my own intuition. the validation was great, but better was a little phrases that stood out for me that brought clarification and my next steps. I realized I couldn’t formulate a good question because I’ve been doing so much with the “pushes” that I really haven’t looked at how I felt. I’ve been following the excitement of the energy spirit has provided and now it is time for me to look at how I feel about my role in those plans! I highly recommend! XOX

Lisa Yesitis

Hi pam so much for your reading I have applied for a job in a similar roll and looking to move hopefully soon I have been promised a interview but the company is going through internal changes thank you so much life is full of changes both personally and professionally so I really appreciate the encouragement xx

Wendy D

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