Life after death

Life after death

Added on 16 March 2021

I was recently emailed and asked about life after death. It has been a long time since I spoke about such matters.

My views come from what I call eclectic Buddhism with a dash of this and a hint of that, but I respect and hold dear all faiths, standing under a spiritual and philosophical umbrella. I view religion from an angle others may not. 

For my own beliefs, I do believe in God, or rather, a single universal energy that is governed by no single religion. We are spiritual beings; we are all connected to the divine. Religion is manmade, something which has sought to understand this element. Each nation and or body of people in the millennia that have gone by have formed religions based on their interpretation of it. Your spiritual self is part of you; something which you can feel directly. No one else can control it unless you give it to them. Subconsciously, we all do it at some stage, especially when you're born into a particular faith, or you're pulled towards one.

So, for me, as we are all spiritual beings, we are all also God. One family, all made from the same energy, living within physical bodies for the duration of life. For myself, reincarnation is also relevant, but that is another topic. As we are all divine in element, I do not believe in heaven or hell as they are human constructs. We simply return "home".

We are connected to the physical body via what is called a Subtle Energy System. As we die, this breaks down and the spiritual element leaves. I believe that what it perceives from that point is based on what is programmed into the mind, i.e., what the personality believes will happen. If the person believes in hell & damnation, that is what they will get. If they believe in Saint Peter, that is what they will get. As equally, if they believe in nothing, they will get that also. An illusion, which is broken down by truth as time progresses.

Being spiritual beings, we are also surrounded by others in spirit. In new-age terms, they are called Guides. We all have many with us throughout life and beyond. It is they who help us through this phase of illusion. The truth shines in & we realise that we are spirit & not dammed or being ticked off a list or filled with nothingness etc. How long this takes is individual, for some moments, for others, years, or decades, as the personality will still be very present at this stage.

I see our spiritual lives as our real lives. Before each birth we have issues to deal with and work to fulfil. In spirit we continue that. We decide what we need or wish to do next. We can choose to wait for loved ones or move on. I cannot tell you what it is like, as when I have visited, I have seen it through my human mind, which dresses it up in a way which I can understand. But I do know it is peaceful, calm, yet exciting and touchable.

Life is a steppingstone, a time to gather what is needed to reach true purity. The heart is often the best creator of individual belief systems; allow yours to create one for you.

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