Confusion & the Eight of Cups

Confusion & the Eight of Cups

Added on 19 March 2021

The Eight of Cups is a card that can come to us with some confusion.

We have strong feelings that we need more in life to make us happy or complete a situation. We have given a lot of time, love & commitment to an area of our lives, or even a separate one, yet know that we need to make some changes.

There are no certainties with this deep need for change. We use our courage to move forward, as we will not be able to really see the road ahead as we go searching for the missing ingredient we seek, even if we have no real idea what it is.

It is not a risk-free card, but one that we often feel in every fibre of our bodies as we set out on a new journey. Sometimes this is to add to what we have, & other times to leave it all behind & start again.

More Eight of Cups

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