Nine of Swords & her Astrological Bed Cover
Added at 12:45 on 09 May 2021
Have you ever wondered why the bedspread in the Nine of Swords was so decorative?
If you have the Rider Waite Smith Tarot deck, you can see that it is intermixed with red roses on a yellow background and astrological symbols.
The roses with their yellow background show that the desperately unhappy lady here has a real desire for movement in her life. She does not wish to be stuck, in pain, and feeling awful – but wants to grow, create, and be grounded.
The signs of the Zodiac are representative of fate and destiny. The passage of time, both past and present. A mingling of personalities, actions, and beliefs—both hers and others'—her entire life is woven into one. The covers show a need to ground, calm & make changes, with the weight of worry from all she can see and overthink about. A sign of how torn she is, how focused on what can go wrong & all of the many issues & rabbit holes her mind can take her down, married with a desire to be free from the burden of anxiety, fear & worry.
More: Nine of Swords
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