The Ace within the Four of Cups

The Ace within the Four of Cups

Added on 19 March 2021

Have you ever noticed the Ace of Cups within the Four of Cups?

The hand from the heavens is offering the man, who is full of woe & focused on the past happiness of the Three of Cups in front of him, the Ace of Cups.

Not only does this represent all that the Ace of Cups has to offer, but that it is being offered & not being sought out, as the Ace of Cup usually is.

It is being offered & ignored. For those who seek out the Ace of Cups & its love, new emotional opportunities & happiness, this may seem odd, as it is a treasured card to have.

His focus is on the frivolity of the Three of Cups, good times which are no more, & he is so lost in his mind, feeling sorry for himself that he cannot see the wonderful Ace being given. He is not able to see the goodness about him & ignores the Ace altogether.

When you get this card next, look at the Ace within it & ponder on what it means for you at that time.

More Four of Cups

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