The Six of Cups - The Guard

The Six of Cups - The Guard

Added on 19 March 2021

The Six of Cups is a card of nostalgia, happy memories & shared times with those we love, or have loved. We revisit this card with a sense of warmth & happiness. It is this feeling of safety that makes memories so warm.

In the background, you see a guard walking the grounds of a large stately home. His presence here brings security, safety & a time when we could relax as others had our backs. A time when we could laugh, not worry & generally just live in the moment with the security that we would not be harmed, challenged, or deal with the mundane of today. He shows that, above all, we are taken back to a time in our lives when we felt safe.

Half cut off & in the background, he shows a trust that does not have to be discussed, an expected care, love & respect which does not have to be asked for.

His protection gives a carefree element to the card, a time to simply relax & be a part of something which is a part of your history or background, to mentally time travel or literally revisit a time when we were free from the issues of the present, transported to a time of innocence or pure happiness.

More Six of Cups

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